Book digital screens in Munich with ALL IN

Explore our brand new DOOH product ALL IN and secure best visibility in Germany's top city München. With ALL IN you can now book digital screens in Munich at a single price!

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News & Insights

Digital out of Home: a medium for an informed society

Campaigns played out on DOOH screens can make an important contribution to an informed and enlightened society. DOOH continues to reach a large number of people.

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Programmatic Advertising at Goldbach

Programmatic advertising has proven itself for years in the online sector and is now conquering younger digital moving image media. Learn more about Programmatic Advertising at Goldbach.

Merry Goldmas Video 2023

The entire Goldbach team would like to thank you for the trust you have placed in us and our industry. Please watch our funny Merry Goldmas-video 2023!

New round of the DOOH Creative Challenge 2024

The German creative scene now has the chance to submit their most innovative DOOH campaigns to the DOOH Creative Challenge 2024. Claudia Zayer from Goldbach DOOH GmbH is a member of the jury.

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Five reasons for Programmatic Digital-out-of-Home

In the last few years, DOOH has become a real reach medium. If you want to exploit the full potential of this medium, you need a programmatic campaign set-up.

Everybody is talking about programmatic media - is every media type bookable via programmatic?

Programmatic advertising has developed since the 2000s into a system for the efficient playout of online advertising. A guest article on ADZINE by Frank Möbius.