Our TV-Products

Every advertiser and every advertising campaign is different. With TV campaigns, you can primarily generate large coverage, but you can also book specific channels or formats according to context, and even use performance measurement to evaluate and optimize individual placements. We offer all three options: Classic TV, Contextual TV and Performance TV. Of course, we are also available to provide you with advice and support. Feel free to contact us!

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Classic TV Spots

Our product category "Classic TV Spots" includes classic commercials in the advertising block, which are placed in suitable selected environments. Here, target groups with high attention and involvement in their love content are reached.

Special advantages: 
  • Good price-performance ratio
  • Increase of awareness
  • Creation of emotions on the big screen
  • Permanent visibility (maintaining basic traffic)
  • Performant use of the media budget
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Contextual TV Spots

In the "Contextual TV Spots" product category, environments are grouped into labels across stations, such as on the topic of sustainability, urbanity, etc. The target group identifies with the content and thus pays more attention to the advertising. In this way, the target group connects personal interests and topics with the brand message and creates brand building in incremental reach.
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Performance TV Spots

Performance TV spots are classic commercials with a call-to-action in the commercial break at high frequency. This allows target groups to be reached with a high level of attention and involvement in their love content.

Special advantages: 
  • Good price-performance ratio
  • Convert as much traffic as possible to the website at a low cost per visit
  • Measuring the impact of TV commercials on website traffic

We will be happy to advise you!

Steffen Bock
Unit Director TV
Goldbach Germany GmbH - Unterföhring
Goldbach Germany GmbH
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Elina Alyautdinova
Head of Client Management TV
Goldbach Germany GmbH - Unterföhring
Goldbach Germany GmbH

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