7. Advanced TV Study 2024

Here you can download the Advanced TV Study 2024!

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Technical specifications

To ensure that your advertising reaches the desired and maximum attention of your target group, it is important to observe the technical specifications of each commercial. In addition, you thereby contribute to efficient campaign management: To ensure that your campaign runs smoothly, please observe our technical specifications for all advertising media, which are a prerequisite for the implementation of your campaign.

Download all important information on the technical specifications here!

Are you interested in spot creation and what you have to consider here? Then you are welcome to read our article here!

You can download the technical specifications:

Video Auflösung Standard 1920 x 1080
Format VAST 2.0, MP4 / H.265, HQ Qualität
Video Länge max. 89 sek. | Empfohlen max. 30 sek. | Non Skippable
Dateigrößen < 200 MB
Seitenverhältnis 16 : 9

We will be happy to advise you!

Hubert Hattowski
Unit Director Online Video & CTV
Goldbach Germany GmbH - Unterföhring
Goldbach Germany GmbH
Bookable as speaker
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Nenad Ristic
Senior Sales & Consulting Online Video & CTV
Goldbach Germany GmbH - Unterföhring
Goldbach Germany GmbH
MA Foto_Philipp.jpg
Philipp Sonder
Sales & Consulting Online Video & CTV
Goldbach Germany GmbH - Unterföhring
Goldbach Germany GmbH

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