Book digital screens in Munich with ALL IN

Explore our brand new DOOH product ALL IN and secure best visibility in Germany's top city München. With ALL IN you can now book digital screens in Munich at a single price!

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Play out data-based advertising in real time in Programmatic DOOH

Take advantage of the high flexibility of programmatic bookings on over 4.000 screens in our Mall Channel, Mobility Channel as well as our Premium Airboards, the Uber Platz, the City Network and on EV screens. Further channels are currently being rolled out.

You can buy programmatic DOOH inventory online via your DSP, either deal-based or auction-based:

Schaubild Programmatic.png

You decide how many contacts you want to achieve at which time at which touchpoint through Programmatic DOOH. You manage and optimize the campaign yourself, or you can use our managed service. Billing is based on the individual contacts and the individual campaign CPM, which is calculated from your targeting requirements.

What is programmatic?

In addition to the classic booking process by request, digitalization has also made enormous progress in DOOH in recent years. The programmatic booking option in DOOH offers many new possibilities that are constantly evolving. Programmatic DOOH makes it possible to adapt playout based on data in real time, purchase advertising space variably and use motifs dynamically.

How does programmatic work?

There is the SSP (Supply Side Platform) and the DSP (Demand Side Platform). The SSP receives information every second on how much free advertising space is available on the programmatically connected screens and sends this information to the DSP. DMPs (Data Management Platforms) can also be used to exchange information about who is in front of the screen and when, what the weather is like and much more. Via the DSP, advertising customers can bid on the free spaces and, by using different targeting options determine the advertising space. This purchase of advertising space therefore does not guarantee fixed broadcasts at specific times, but only broadcasts the respective advertising message if the customer's requirements for the advertising space are met.

The Mall Channel, Mobility Channel, Uber Platz, City Network, EV Screens and our Premium Airboards are programmatically connected to our portfolio.

Digital out of Home Media kit and Location List 2024

On request, we will be happy to send you the Digital out of Home media data and the 2024 location lists. Please click on the desired media data and location lists and enter your e-mail address.


DOOH Best Cases

Are you curious what our customers have already implemented?
Feel free to take a look at our DOOH Best Cases! If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.

The most important terms of Programmatic DOOH

In our article Buzzwords explained simply Programmatic DOOH and Buzzwords simply explained: Programmatic DOOH Extended we classify the most important technical terms and translate them into the DOOH context. However, here you can find the a first overview of important programmatic DOOH terms.

Ad impression

In traditional online usage, "ad impressions" refers to the number of times an advertisement is viewed on an ad server. These views of individual advertising media are usually logged on ad servers, turning them into measurable contacts with the advertising media.

Ad Request

Direct measurement is used to record the retrieval of an advertising medium on the advertising medium or ad server.

The AdRequest can be used to determine precisely how often an advertising medium has been accessed. As soon as the advertising material is called up, this request is saved as an ad request in the log file of the advertising server.

Ad Server

An ad server is a server that is equipped with special software and is responsible for the provision and processing of advertising media. It collects data such as ad impressions, ad visibility and ad clicks, which are used for reporting.

Ad Views

Ad view refers to the potential number of contacts for the advertising spot. A special feature of digital out-of-home (DOOH) is that the ad impression stored on the server is multiplied by the average number of viewers. This produces the ad views, which, together with the previously defined CPM, calculate the value of the playout.

Dynamic Ads (Dynamic Creative Optimization)

Dynamic ads enable dynamic and automatic adaptation of creativity. Various elements such as image motif, offer price and the like can be individualized to deliver the right message to each customer at the right time.

The ads are adapted dynamically and in real time according to the available data. This means that users in different cities or even districts can see different motifs.

The high flexibility and relevance of the ads can improve advertising recall and potentially activate users.

Managed service

With the managed service, the responsible marketer/agency/campaign manager takes over control of the campaign for the end customer. This service is often used when the client/agency does not have access to a DSP or feels unsure about how to use it.

As part of the managed service, the campaign is created, controlled, monitored and finalized, including the uploading of the creative materials. The client only needs to provide a briefing and make the creative materials available.

A separate fee is charged for the managed service.

One to Many

At airports, in shopping centers or in public places, the advertising media displayed are not just aimed at individual recipients, but at everyone who is there. This turns the DOOH advertising medium into a mass medium or "one-to-many" medium.

In the area of programmatic, this means that a single ad impression automatically generates several ad views.

Open Auction

In an open auction, the marketer enables an open group of bidders to bid for its inventory. The marketer offers the inventory via its SSP (supply-side platform), which can be purchased via a connected DSP (demand-side platform).
Bids are placed on a single playout that delivers multiple ad views due to the "one-to-many" situation.
The highest bidder wins the bid, whereby his or her bid is currently valued at just €0.01 to the second-highest bidder - this is called the second price auction process and should be familiar to everyone from the Ebay auction platform. However, discussions about the first price auction have already reached the market.
The motif of the "winner" is then played out in real time - subject to motif approval, which at best has already taken place in advance.

Translated with (free version)

Preferred Deal

In this constellation, there is a direct one-to-one relationship between buyer and seller, with purchases being made at a predetermined CPM. On the DSP side, the buyer has the option of optimizing data independently and is not obliged to accept every bid request. A minimum booking volume is agreed for the duration of the campaign.

Private Auction

In the DOOH private auction, the number of bidders is restricted. Only selected customers, agencies or DSPs are admitted. The contract is also awarded to the highest bidder.

Private Deal

Guaranteed inventory can be purchased at a fixed price. The buyer also undertakes to purchase the campaign budget as part of the deal.

Realtime Bidding (RTB)

This process is known as programmatic bidding. Advertisers have the opportunity to bid for available ads, but at the same time are in competition with other advertisers. The advertisement is evaluated and the bid is submitted in real time.

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