
Frank Möbius in private: When the soccer club loses...

What do media personalities actually do after work? What do they like to spend money on and are they into Netflix or fitness? MEEDIA asked Frank Möbius about this. He is Managing Director at Goldbach.

How long does it take you to get home from the office?

Depending on Munich's rush hour traffic, it's around 30 minutes.

What do you do on the way home?

Talk on the phone or listen to music or an audio book.

What is irreplaceable for your work-life balance?

My wife, my family, my home.

And for whom are you irreplaceable?

For my wife, my children and my dogs.

When was the last time you were really spontaneous?

Just a few weeks ago: We visited the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona early in the morning.

And what unfortunately keeps slowing you down?

I am a passionate soccer fan. A defeat for my favorite team, 1. FC Nürnberg!

Where do you dream of going?

Either to New York or to the sea in Greece. I also love going to the Austrian mountains ... depending on my mood.

Do you have a good movie or series tip for us?

My favorite Netflix series: "YOU" Movie: "What Women Want" - a film comedy from the advertising world with Mel Gibson and Helen Hunt - always unbeatable!

Her favorite book is called ...

"Café on the Edge of the World" by John Strelecky or "Never" by Ken Follett, depending on your mood.

Her favorite restaurant is called ...

Die Schreiberei, not far from Marienplatz in Munich.

A fan club or a theater?

Both. In the past, more the fan curve in the Frankenstadion, today I love going to the theater with my wife.

Off the peg or made to measure?

Both and. The main thing is that it fits well and looks good.

What do you like to spend money on?

Technology gadgets from Apple.

And what are your guilty pleasures?

Definitely wine: either a Chardonnay from Bründlmayer or a Prestige Rosé from Minuty.

The meaning of life is ...

To live with a view to the future and to understand with a view to the future.

And at some point you will certainly ...

...stay there, wherever you are!

The article can also be found on MEEDIA.