Total TV

Classic TV and digital TV

Total TV combines the best of both worlds on the big screen: Linear and digital television. With Goldbach's Big Screen Package, you can reach all target groups via various channels, such as Comedy Central Austria, KURIER TV, Pluto TV or Samsung TV Plus - and with maximum reach.

Why book Total TV?

  • Addressing relevant target groups
  • Advertising perception in a lean-back atmosphere
  • Bundled reach
  • One package price
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Our Connected TV (CTV) Spots network offers instream advertising in streaming offers on TV. It therefore combines the strengths of TV and digital and has the advantage that TV streaming users can also be reached. Thanks to the big screen, the user perceives advertising in a lean-back atmosphere.

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A TV commercial can be a useful extension of the campaign. With audiovisually transmitted messages, it arouses emotions and can make a targeted contribution to supporting the marketing objectives. Our expertise is available at all times to support the campaign in the best possible way.

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