Heute.at is once again the largest online newspaper in the country
Heute.at is a serial winner on the online market: The independent Austrian Web Analysis (ÖWA) shows Heute.at had 3.42 million readers for December 2023 in its reach data published on Monday. This makes Heute.at the highest-reach private news service on the internet for the third time in a row.
"Heute" editor-in-chief Clemens Oistric thanks all readers on behalf of the "Heute" teamThe fact that so many users are asking for us confirms our strategy of relying fully on our digital channels. Thanks to our state-of-the-art online-first approach, we can keep our audience informed on a minute-by-minute basis - and continue to deliver the stories that no one else is writing. We have big plans for 2024.
Head of Marketing Alexander Leitner (COO Goldbach Austria) can already offer the company's advertising partners a reach of 48.48 percent of all internet users in the country. "In our new design, we not only offer a modern news experience, but also have top placement opportunities for our advertising partners for their brands - targeted for every region of Austria."
Query note:
Herbert Seipt, MSc
Head of Sales and Marketing
T: +43 (0) 50950-12313
[email protected]
Sources: Austrian Web Analysis, December 2023, individual offers
Austrian Internet Monitor 2022