
Heute.at is once again the largest online newspaper in the country

Another turbo start to the new year: Heute.at reached 3.4 million Austrians in December - the largest reach of all private media portals!

Heute.at is a serial winner on the online market: The independent Austrian Web Analysis (ÖWA) shows Heute.at had 3.42 million readers for December 2023 in its reach data published on Monday. This makes Heute.at the highest-reach private news service on the internet for the third time in a row.

The fact that so many users are asking for us confirms our strategy of relying fully on our digital channels. Thanks to our state-of-the-art online-first approach, we can keep our audience informed on a minute-by-minute basis - and continue to deliver the stories that no one else is writing. We have big plans for 2024.

"Heute" editor-in-chief Clemens Oistric thanks all readers on behalf of the "Heute" team

Head of Marketing Alexander Leitner (COO Goldbach Austria) can already offer the company's advertising partners a reach of 48.48 percent of all internet users in the country. "In our new design, we not only offer a modern news experience, but also have top placement opportunities for our advertising partners for their brands - targeted for every region of Austria."

Query note:

Herbert Seipt, MSc
Head of Sales and Marketing
T: +43 (0) 50950-12313
[email protected]

Sources: Austrian Web Analysis, December 2023, individual offers
Austrian Internet Monitor 2022