
Just in time for the start of the vacations: our vacation trends

Yep, just now in the après-ski, now the summer vacations are already approaching. Haven't you booked anything yet? We'd have a cannabis retreat specifically for women, a prison/luxury hotel, or a booking platform for sustainable vacations to choose from. But read for yourself. You'll find these and more vacation trends in our July Trend News.

Cannabis retreat specifically for women

US start-up MoodRXTreats offers women the opportunity to retreat for a few days, relax and consume cannabis in a protected environment. The offer is aimed at women who want to take a break from their jobs and care work. The luxurious MoodRXT retreat near Detroit is located in a natural setting. Guests who arrive are greeted with a THC mocktail and a goodie bag of high-quality cannabis products. They can try these on site or later at home. After arriving and journaling resolutions, intoxicating nature hikes and yoga sessions are among the options.