Replay Ads - Advertise exclusively on Replay TV

Enter a new advertising era with Replay Ads and reach the audience of time-shifted TV for the first time. Whether Start Ad, Pause Ad or Fast Forward Ad - with the innovative advertising solutions for Replay TV you can secure an exclusive and attention-grabbing advertising placement.

Replay Ads in three formats

With Replay Ads, innovative advertising solutions are available to you. Choose between three formats that are broadcast in the corresponding usage situation.

Frequency capping can be booked per day, format and subject!

Start Ad

Short commercial to start time-shifted TV use
  • Charged at 100% completed view
  • 5-7 seconds at the beginning of a replay session
  • Countdown is displayed
  • Not skippable

Pause Ad

Advertising when pausing the live program or time-shifted TV use
  • Static display advertising medium
  • Displayed during the entire break
  • Billing after 10 seconds of insertion
  • Playout possible according to WEMF business regions

Fast Forward

Commercials when skipping or fast-forwarding the linear commercial break in time-shifted TV use
  • Charged at 100% completed view
  • Max. 60 seconds per commercial
  • Not skippable
  • Pressing skip or fast forward button on remote control
  • Overlay, e.g. "2 of 3 spots left"

Prices & Specifications

Find out about Replay Ads pricing and specifications below.
All figures are gross CPM [CHF]. These are subject to change without notice. The prices according to the quotation apply.

The requested data is not available in the language you have selected. Please switch to another language.

Spot Index - Fast Forward Ad only

Spot length
Spot length

Spot index

Placement surcharges

Placement surcharges

Surcharge in %
WEMF regions
(Pause Ads only)

Delivery of advertising material Replay Ads

Here you will find all the information you need for the production and delivery of your Replay Ad material. 

Important information
Delivery instructions: Delivery instructions
Delivery deadlines: factsheet TV delivery deadlines
Technical specifications: 
- 1st page for Start Ads & Fast Forward Ads
- 2nd page for Pause Ads

Digital spot delivery
The advertiser sends a master file of the advertising material in the specified format directly (via Spotupload) to Goldbach Media. The advertising material must be provided with the information required for allocation and transmission (VTR card, order number from Mediapro order confirmation). 
Goldbach Media shall undertake the technical preliminary check, the allocation of the advertising material and the encoding into the specified formats for the individual broadcasters. Transmission to the broadcasters takes place after Goldbach Media has checked the content and legal aspects.

General information
If you have a small advertising budget for your planned Replay Ad material, please contact us. Thanks to our close cooperation with various producers, we can offer you low-cost options for the production of your advertising material.
Delivery cost: CHF 140 (excl. VAT) regardless of the effort required to encode the formats and the spot length

If you have any questions, please contact Goldbach Media ([email protected]).

Advertising guidelines Replay Ads

Swiss advertising law applies exclusively to Replay Ads. Here you will find the most important information on the advertising guidelines. 


You can find our general terms and conditions here.

The advantages of a Replay Ad campaign

  • A larger audience: Reach a new target group and additional TV reach on time-shifted TV
  • Exclusive and high-quality advertising placement: Your message enjoys full attention
  • User-friendly form of advertising: short advertising blocks with targeted delivery
  • Brand safety: Played out in the familiar TV program environment
  • Efficient and creative complement to your linear TV campaign
  • Replay Ads content is assessed according to Swiss advertising law