Cookie alternative data onboarding

New targeting solutions have been the subject of lively discussion, and not just since the debate surrounding the abolition of third-party cookies. One promising alternative is data onboarding. We have summarised the most important aspects for you.

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Advertising in the gaming universe

The gaming ads are here! Reach the game-savvy target group now with in-game advertising without interrupting the game and ads in the right environments.

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Joyn is coming to Switzerland!

New high-quality advertising environmentGoldbach Audience and Goldbach Media market the new streaming platform Joyn in Switzerland.

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Advanced TV Study 2024

This year, we have compiled the results of the study in detail for you in a white paper. Order now and receive all the latest news on Advanced TV.

To the Advanced TV study

OneID enables the targeted addressing of over 3 million users on high-quality advertising inventory from leading premium publishers in Switzerland.

WEMF PAC certified

Our targeting offer at a glance

Place your online advertising in the right environment and context - exactly where the user is.

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Audience Targeting

With our carefully curated audiences, you'll always reach your desired audience.

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Data Onboarding

Use the full potential of your own data to reach the appropriate users in our network

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Geo/GPS Targeting

Reach your target audience with our live location targeting

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Contextual Targeting

Place your online advertising in the appropriate editorial environment and context

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Weather targeting

Whether rain, snow, storm or sun, with our weather targeting your ad will always match the current weather situation.

OneID - The responsible advertising ID for Switzerland 

OneID enables the targeted addressing of over 3 million users on high-quality advertising inventory from leading premium publishers in Switzerland, without overlaps. It always ensures that modern data protection standards are adhered to and that users retain full control over their data.


In order to guarantee our customers the greatest possible transparency with regard to the quality of the targeting for their online campaigns, we had our prediction models certified by the WEMF.

As part of the Better Prediction Initiative (BPI), we conducted the Prediction Accuracy Check (PAC) together with WEMF. 

Click on this link to find out all about the results of the PAC, about the certificate and what advantages it offers for your online campaign.


Your advantages with our first-hand data

  • High data quality
  • a premium environment
  • High range
  • less wastage
  • best performance