Social media advertising: interactive storytelling

More than half of the Swiss population uses a social medium. For your social media advertising, that means an enormous number of contact points with existing and potential customers. We help you reach them there.

Tamedia's brands have a total community of three million users on Facebook and Instagram. A Facebook post from 20 Minuten alone generates an average reach of over two million users per week. We make this huge network available to you and your advertising message with tSocial. Take advantage of the social media presence of our brands with advertising formats that are tailored precisely to the target group you have defined.

Advantages of social media advertising

  • Targeting: Social media advertising enables playout defined by interests and demographic characteristics and reduces wastage
  • Interaction: Social media thrive on their community. Interact easily with existing and potential customers
  • Trustworthiness: Especially social media advertising spread by influencers enjoys a high level of trust among followers
  • Storytelling: Social media is perfect for storytelling. Use it to increase your brand and product awareness
  • Reporting: After the end of the campaign, find out how high the reach and interaction rates were and where they were achieved in a detailed report of your KPIs.