Digital audio advertising in your region

Advertising on web radios and audio streaming platforms is now also available regionally thanks to the integration of digital audio into the Goldbach Booking Tool.

Advertise regionally

13 daily newspapers, over 5,500 digital poster sites, nationwide coverage with online media, three social media platforms, video and audio streaming platforms - all in one tool and with hyperlocal geo-targeting.

Would you like to find out how you can place cross-genre and effective advertising in your region in a time-saving way? Arrange a no-obligation live demo now.

Advantages offered by the Goldbach booking tool

An advertising campaign in no time at all

First things first: you don't need to log in, you don't need any tool knowledge, and you don't have to book your campaign yourself. We do the work for you.

Our Goldbach Booking Tool helps you to reach your customers in a media-independent and targeted manner. With programmatic advertising buying, you benefit from low media costs.


No unnecessary advertising costs

The Goldbach Booking Tool offers you numerous targeting options for an optimal and targeted approach to your target group.

  • Geotargeting
  • Interest targeting
  • Age & gender
  • Time targeting
  • Frequency capping
  • Device Split

Measure campaign success

Track the development of your campaign in real time. This gives you full cost and success control - transparently and clearly.

  • Campaign costs
  • Number of clicks & click rate
  • Page views & top sites
  • Advertising media & device split

One contact person for your campaign

Coordinating cross-media advertising campaigns is child's play. Whether you want to place your banners and advertisements in high-quality Tamedia and 20 Minuten media or in a pool of social media platforms, you have an advertising professional as your contact person.

  • Regional, national and international media in our portfolio
  • Online and video advertising
  • Newspaper advertisements
  • Digital outdoor advertising in public spaces (streets, shopping centers, etc.)
  • Social media advertising

Specifications and advertising formats

Find the right advertising formats and specifications for your campaign to communicate your message successfully. With a strategic selection of marketing channels such as classic online media, print, digital out-of-home and social media, you can position your brand sustainably. You can also select the advertising formats that best support your campaign objectives and convey your message clearly and effectively.

These campaigns were created using the Goldbach Booking Tool

Be inspired and discover our clients' advertising campaigns.

Advantages of the Goldbach Booking Tool at a glance

  • All media in one tool: Online, DOOH, video, social media and print
  • Managed service: We plan and book the campaigns for you
  • Strong coverage in all regions
  • Advertising campaigns from as little as CHF 500
  • Full transparency and control thanks to integrated live reporting
  • Many targeting options for an optimal target group approach
  • Ongoing campaign optimization by our team of experts
  • Low media costs thanks to programmatic buying

Advertising professionals in your region

Are you interested in an advertising campaign in your region? Don't hesitate to get in touch with us. Our advertising professionals know your region inside out and are always ready to work with you to develop an advertising campaign tailored to your needs. We look forward to hearing from you!

Angelina Mühlethaler.jpg
Angelina Mühlethaler
Sales Consultant Goldbach Regional
Goldbach Group AG - Bern
Goldbach Group AG
Corinne Röthlisberger.jpg
Corinne Röthlisberger-Lerch
Sales Consultant Goldbach Regional
Goldbach Group AG - Bern
Goldbach Group AG
David Mentele.jpg
David Mentele
Senior Sales Consultant Goldbach Regional
Goldbach Group AG - Bern
Goldbach Group AG
Ken Meister.jpg
Ken Meister
Deputy Sales Director Goldbach Regional
Goldbach Group AG - Bern
Goldbach Group AG
Michael Probst.jpg
Michael Probst
Senior Sales Consultant Goldbach Regional
Goldbach Group AG - Bern
Goldbach Group AG
Sandro Bürgi.jpg
Sandro Bürgi
Sales Director / Deputy Managing Director Goldbach Regional
Goldbach Group AG - Bern
Goldbach Group AG
Sara Friedli.jpg
Sara Friedli
Key Account Manager Goldbach Regional
Goldbach Group AG - Bern
Goldbach Group AG
Steffen Altenburg.jpg
Steffen Altenburg
Senior Sales Consultant Goldbach Regional
Goldbach Group AG - Thun
Goldbach Group AG

More information on regional advertising at Goldbach

Take a look at our offers and services.


Advertising messages in your region

Would you like to advertise your company, but don't know how to go about it or are worried about the budget? With the optimal mix of online ads, ads in our regional newspapers and commuter media as well as digital outdoor advertising, you can reach your target group with minimal wastage and without unnecessary advertising expenditure.