Heute.at is number 1 online newspaper in austria
The completely renewed web analysis confirms top values forHeute.at in all categories. For the first time since the end of 2019, up-to-date reach data is now available for the domestic online market.Heute.at already reached 3.8 million Austrians in news-intensive November.
Users accessedHeute.at from 8.9 million different devices. In the important category of unique clients,Heute.at is thus also the market leader in November among all online daily newspapers that operate individual offerings on the Internet. 45.2 million visits prove the great loyalty of the readership.
"The fact thatHeute.at achieved the greatest reach of all private news portals in November is the result of consistent work and shows that we made the right decision by further developing the content and merging the print and online teams," say Marcel Kohler and Wolfgang Jansky. The two co-managing directors ofHeute.at promise: "In uncertain and turbulent times, our readers can rely on a powerful, nimble and well-informed editorial team."
Heute.at editor-in-chief Clemens Oistric expresses his thanks for the loyalty on behalf of the entire team: "It is a great privilege that we are able to inform, entertain and give a strong voice to 3.8 million Austrians."
"Heute.at reached 56 percent of all Internet users in Austria in November. Above all, our company's clientele also benefits from this," says Mag. Alexander Leitner, Managing Director Digital of Goldbach Audience Austria, which is responsible for marketingHeute.at. "We offer advertisers the best conditions to reach their target groups across the provinces in large numbers."
Sources: Austrian Web Analytics, November 2021, individual offers
Austrian Internet Monitor 2020