
Lattella is Young Star of the 2nd Quarter 2022

Goldbach Youngstar survey confirms Lattella as most vital brand of Q2 2022 - Dyson and Audi in 2nd and 3rd places

With a score of 51.7 points, Lattella secured 1st place in the current Youngstar survey and is thus the "star" among the most youthful brands in Q2 2022. In terms of youthfulness and vitality, Dyson landed in 2nd place among respondents with 51.1 points, and Audi is also among the top 3 in the perception of the young and young-at-heart in the survey period (50.2).

Based on a quantitative survey by the Austrian Gallup Institute, the Goldbach Youngstar is regularly awarded to the brand that is considered the "most vital and youngest" among the young and young-at-heart target group.

For this purpose, 500 people between the ages of 14 and 49 are surveyed, with the addition that the perceived age of the people is a maximum of 29 years.

The score, which forms the basis of the result, is made up of 3 subscores: Brand - Spot - Before/After Comparison.

Of all the brands queried, Lattella's current spot was rated as the most youthful in Q2 2022, catapulting the dairy drink brand to 1st place in the ranking. While before viewing the spots Lattella as a brand was still ranked 6th in terms of vitality, the survey proved the great impact advertising can have on perception and image. Because the current spot was such a "fountain of youth" for the brand that it jumped to 1st place in the before/after comparison.

The results of the before/after comparison in detail

The brand Lattella is known by 78% of the young Austrians, 93% perceive it (very) positively or at least neutrally. The current spot (shown in the survey) had a positive effect on the attributes attributed to Lattella by the respondents, especially with regard to the attributes "innovative, entertaining, and funny" but also "modern" and "original". Thus, the attribute "entertaining" increased by +14%, "modern" by +13% and "original" by +10% according to the campaign. The spot also had a positive influence on the brand's innovative strength, with +18% of respondents believing that Lattella is an innovative, novel brand.

The second-placed brand Dyson can boast a level of awareness of 74% in the young target group, with 95% perceiving it (very) positively or neutrally. Dyson scores particularly well with the characteristics "innovative, modern and powerful/energetic". The situation is similar for the third-place finisher, the car brand Audi. Here, the respondents' approval ratings also lie primarily with the criteria "modern, powerful/energy-packed, innovative/novel and active." 90% of respondents are familiar with the Audi brand, and 91% of "connoisseurs" perceive it (very) positively or at least neutrally.