Universal Pictures promotes Sing 2 with innovative mobile rich media ad campaign at Goldbach Austria
To promote the release of the sequel to the successful animated film, in which gorilla Johnny, pet pig Rosita and lady elephant Meena once again showcase their musical talents, and to give users a first taste of the film, Universal Pictures opted for a rich media campaign from Goldbach Austria.
A creative and - in keeping with the film - musical game in conjunction with the trailer ensured that users were actively engaged with the film and its characters for a long time. The idea: Users could select a film character in the first step and were then asked to capture the notes using the microphone. Afterwards, the end screen with the cinema trailer appeared. The creative idea and implementation were carried out by the screen marketer Goldbach Austria, who also implemented the production and played out the advertising material via the Goldbach Mobile Network in the Family & Kids environment.
"We are pleased about the renewed trust of Universal Pictures and the responsible media agency Wavemaker. In this mobile campaign, the combination of attention and reach was used optimally. Rich media ads are perfectly suited for awareness campaigns and are therefore exactly the right choice for the promotion of cinema films", Wolfgang Pernkopf, Sales Director Online & Advanced TV at Goldbach, explains the considerations.
Isabella Höninger, as Key Account Manager Mobile responsible for the conception and implementation of the campaign, adds: "The interactivity of the ad makes it possible to break out of the banner blindness and the user engages with the content of the advertising medium for an above-average period of time. Thus, in addition to the CTR, the high interaction rate and long dwell time within the ad are relevant criteria for the success of the campaign."
Conception and implementation of the campaign
Responsible at Goldbach Audience Austria: Isabella Höninger, Key Account Manager Mobile
Responsible media agency: Wavemaker, Asam Badfar
Responsible at Universal Pictures: Kirstin Zorkoczy