Advantages for advertisers

The All In Games enable direct access to the hard-to-reach Generation Z. The focus is on an authentic and target group-oriented presentation of your brand. These are the other advantages:

  • Triple reach, attention and activation: via all All In Games channels (TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, web), via influencer channels, via Goldbach channels
  • Your brand is integrated authentically, subtly and stylishly - in line with this discerning target group
  • In addition to GenZ, you will primarily reach young families and digitally savvy people in Switzerland
  • You also receive the professionally produced content with your brand for promotion on your own channels
  • Flexible packages - let us put together the perfect advertising package for your brand

Interested in supporting and contributing to this event as a sponsor? Our aim is to enter into long-term collaborations and we guarantee industry exclusivity in the respective area. We are also happy to support you in activating this cultural, ethical commitment via our online and offline media (20 Minuten, Die SonntagsZeitung, influencer campaign, etc.) with attractive conditions.

KPI's All In Games

Your advertising contact for The All In Games

Would you like to place your brand in the All In Games environment? Contact us now and we will work out a customized concept together. We look forward to working with you.

Mirjana Elmer.jpg
Mirjana Elmer
Key Account Manager
Goldbach Manufaktur AG - Küsnacht
Goldbach Manufaktur AG