Video ads - moving images and emotions across all screens
The triumph of moving images continues: Video content is taking up more and more space on all screens, in line with today's information and consumer behavior. Moving image advertising is therefore more important than ever for advertisers. Video advertising in editorial environments ensures a credible and consistent brand presence. We therefore consistently rely on brandsafe environments and on human traffic. And since today's users are mobile and use different devices, our entire advertising playout is also geared towards multiscreen.
Goldbach is Digital Ad Trust certified
The Goldbach Video Network is certified by Digital Ad Trust, which stands as a guarantee for high-quality advertising inventory. The most important requirements here:
- Average viewable rate of at least 50% on Outstream and Instream.
- Legal Safety (Brand Safety) Rate and Invalid Traffic (Ad Fraud) Rate are below 2%.
- Websites may have a maximum of 30 percent of available pixels covered with advertising.
- Transparency regarding automatic reload, which starts after 30 seconds at the earliest and requires lazy loading.