Booking options Acknowledgments / Obituary Sihltaler

Would you like to place an obituary or acknowledgement in the Sihltaler? Or do you need advice or help with a booking? You are welcome to contact us so that we can help you.

You can use our Goldbach booking tool to order your obituary and acknowledgements quickly and easily via "Order online".

Your contact options

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Price examples

The price for an obituary is made up of the following factors:

  • Ad size: the ad space (ad height in mm x ad width in columns) is multiplied by the millimeter price. You will find three calculation examples in the picture.
  • Color: the costs for black and white ads are lower than for color ads.

  • Under"Price per millimeter" you will find the current rates for obituaries in the Sihltaler.

Delivery dates and specifications

Below you will find all the deadlines and details for obituaries in the Sihltaler.