NTV - the news channel

Whenever something important happens somewhere in the world - ntv reports immediately, quickly and reliably. In addition to news on the hour about the latest in politics, business and sports, ntv interrupts normal programming with breaking news and live broadcasts when it's highly important. Every day, the station presents stock market news, business reports and high-quality documentaries for men. Informative magazines, controversial talk shows and guides report on everything that is currently being discussed. With motor sports, ntv creates high-performance environments for young men.

General information

Group of channelsRTL Deutschland
Average age62
Core target groupMen 15-59
Pricing target groupPeople 15-49
Proportion of HH running people63%

Core competencies

  • News every hour on the hour
  • High live content and breaking news expertise
  • Business Reporting
  • Informative magazines, guidebooks, controversial talk shows, sports events and high-quality documentaries


People 15-49 

Source: Mediapulse TV Data (Instar Analytics), GS, people 15-49 incl. guests, ntv_CH, 2023, Mon-Sun 24h, TG-Share-% (Rt), MS-%, Aff (Rt), all platforms,
overnight +7.

FormatRt-TMS-%Aff (Rt)
ntv Doku: Rätselhafte Phänomene9.5584.0163
ntv Doku: Die tödlichsten Schlangen der Welt9.1023.7186
ntv Doku: Anwälte der Toten - Verbrechen, die Deutschland bewegten9.0692.4134
ntv Doku: Apokalypse Hitler - Der Terror des Dritten Reichs8.9373.3120
Klima Update8.1103.0217
Spiegel TV Magazin7.86132.8217
ntv Doku: Hitler - Ein Leben in Bildern7.4662.5122

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