RTL SUPER - Super Feierabend, super Primetime

RTL Super offers a diverse primetime lineup from 8:15 PM, featuring high-quality US series and movies for adults. On Wednesdays and Fridays, the "Movie Date" presents romantic comedies for a relaxing evening. The "Magic Movie" on Saturdays is a highlight for the whole family, bringing magical film moments to the screen. With this varied selection, RTL Super ensures top entertainment during primetime.

General information

Group of channelsRTL Deutschland
Average age52
Core target groupHH running convl. 20-49 with kids
Pricing target groupPeople 15-49
Proportion of HH running people63%

Core competencies

  • Entertainment for the whole family
  • High quality series (US - Fiction / True Crime)
  • Great feature films all year round
  • Long running event tracks


People 15-49

Source: Mediapulse TV Data (Instar Analytics), GS, people 15-49 incl. guests, SUPER RTL_CH, 2024, Mon-Sun 20:15 - 02:00h, TG-Share-% (Rt), MS-%, Aff (Rt), all platforms,
overnight +7.

FormatRt-TMS-%Aff (Rt)
In 80 Tagen um die Welt28.9017.9183
Wickie und die starken Männer16.4074.1136
Ich - Einfach unverbesserlich15.6716.5179
Kung Fu Panda 215.2425149
Rio 2 - Dschungelfieber13.6636.6163
Nachts im Museum 213.1863.7203
Die Schlümpfe: Das verlorene Dorf13.1514144
Die Croods12.8353.8192

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