TMC targets a modern and active audience aged 25 to 49. The station's editorial line focuses primarily on entertainment formats such as ''Quotidien,'' the weekday magazine broadcast and produced in-house, which presents the day's news in a casual way. TMC excels in humor, which can also be found in the quirky show ''Burger Quiz'' or in various one-man shows by French comedians. In addition to entertainment, TMC also focuses on the big screen with Blockbuster. French and international series complete the program. TMC is ideal for appealing to a broad and young target group as part of a high-quality program!

General information

Group of channelsTF1 Groupe
Average age54
Core target groupPeople 25 - 49
Pricing target groupPeople 15 - 49
Proportion of HH running people73%

Core competencies

  • Quality entertainment
  • Own productions for a wide audience
  • Popular news magazine "Quotidien"
  • Blockbusters


People 15-49

Source: Mediapulse TV Data (Instar Analytics), FS, people 15-49 incl. guests, TMC_CH, 2023, Mon-Sun 24h, TG-Share-% (Rt), MS-%, Aff (Rt), all platforms,
overnight +7.

FormatRt-TMS-%Aff (Rt)
Le Seigneur des Anneaux - La communauté de l'anneau16.1919151
Madame Foresti14.72810.5136
Justice League14.67412.9162
Le Seigneur des Anneaux - Le retour du roi13.4910.5147
Iron Man 313.46913118
Les Experts Miami12.97527.4163
90 Enquêtes12.9228.393
Forrest Gump11.53612.5121

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