TV24 - strong sport

TV24’s broad entertainment schedule is aimed at the target group of 15 to 49-year-olds. In addition to top-class free-TV premieres of US blockbusters, TV24 broadcasts a great number of premieres of popular TV series. Live top sports events from tennis to football, handball and ice hockey complete the schedule. With “NINJA WARRIOR SWITZERLAND”, TV24 launched its first major in-house production in 2018. A year later, TV24 brought the globally popular TV format “DIE HÖHLE DER LÖWEN” to Switzerland for the first time and then also the successful format “SING MEINEN SONG – DAS SCHWEIZER TAUSCHKONZERT”. Both formats can now be watched on 3+. 

General information

Group of channelsCH Media TV
Average age56
Core target groupPeople 20-49
Pricing target groupPeople 15-49
Proportion of HH running people61%

Core competencies

  • Live top sporting events (tennis, soccer, handball, ice hockey)
  • Top-class free TV premieres of US blockbusters
  • Factual series highlights


People 15-49

Source: Mediapulse TV Data (Instar Analytics), GS, people 15-49 incl. guests, TV24, 2024, Mon-Sun 24h, TG-Share-% (Rt), MS-%, Aff (Rt), all platforms,
overnight +7.

FormatRt-TMS-%Aff (Rt)
Mayday - Alarm im Cockpit25.48610.4176
Dr. Emma - Hautärztin aus Leidenschaft19.5287.1172
Eishockey: National League, Playoff-Finale; ZSC - LHC19.4726.987
Dr. Pimple Popper18.6255.2126
Storage Wars - Die Geschäftemacher15.0844.5192
Der Camping Clan - Alles für den Platz14.99818.8207
Eishockey: National League, Playoff-Halbfinale; EV Zug - ZSC13.2834.259
Steel Buddies - Stahlharte Geschäfte13.0697.1151
Menschliches Versagen12.6592.3166

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