
Airport Media and Goldbach Austria to cooperate in the future marketing of digital advertising screens at Vienna Airport

For the marketing of the digital advertising screens, Vienna Airport is now also relying on the experience and contacts of Goldbach Austria - the marketer of the country's widest-reaching digital out-of-home network.

In a dedicated DOOH Airport Channel, which currently comprises 220 screens at 14 high-traffic locations in the airport area, up to 1.4 million playouts can now be achieved and up to 1.1 million gross contacts between the ages of 14 and 69 (according to Ambientmeter) can be addressed in 2 weeks.

Depending on whether you want to address business customers - for example in the business lounge, non-Schengen or Schengen travelers - 13 packages are available, from arrival to departure packages, with individual scope depending on budget and for a duration of 1-2 weeks.

"Addressing travelers at the airport is more efficient than almost any other. Where else are people in such a vacation and shopping mood as here? The target group also has above-average purchasing power," says Marcus Zinn, delighted with the prominent addition to the DOOH marketing portfolio for which he is responsible.

In addition to the core target groups of business and leisure travelers, the people who can be reached at the airport also include those picking up passengers, escorts and airport employees. This results in a total number of contacts of 40 million per year, 86% of whom belong to the advertising-relevant age group of 14 to 54 years.

The advertising spaces range from light boxes and portrait-format steles to large digital installations such as the Mega Wall in Terminal 3 and large video walls as well as the 144 synchronized advertising monitors in the central baggage reclaim hall in a variety of eye-catching formats.

Vienna Airport and AirportCity offer a wide range of advertising options with a target group-appropriate approach and state-of-the-art technology, such as the Mega Wall in Terminal 3 or the SkyBridge at the airport entrance. With Goldbach Austria, we have a strong partner with whom we can establish Vienna Airport even better as an advertising location.

says Wolfgang Scheibenpflug, Head of Real Estate and Location Management at Flughafen Wien AG.

"If you want to reach your target groups in the best possible way, Airport Media is the right place for you: We offer highly innovative advertising space directly in the field of attention of passengers, people picking up passengers and airport visitors. Goldbach Austria is an excellent partner for us, with whom we can convince advertising customers even better of our range of services", Ilse Koinig, Head of Airport Media at Vienna Airport, is pleased about the new cooperation.

The screens now co-marketed by Goldbach Austria with a size of up to 180m² and 4K resolution together with modern content management offer individual solutions with an ideal combination of moving images and information for every budget. Further locations are already being planned.

Including the new locations at Vienna Airport, the Goldbach DOOH portfolio currently comprises more than 8,700 screens at 875 locations.


Photo credit: Rene Wallentin
f.l.t.r.: Walter Pfann (Certified Media Consultant at Airport Media), Ilse Koinig (Head of Advertising at Airport Media), Philipp Hengl (Head of Product & Partner Management DOOH at Goldbach Austria), Evelyn Dachs (Product Manager DOOH at Goldbach Austria)