
BILLA relies on Goldbach Digital out-of-home solution to promote the new Simply Good product variants

Digital out of Home has been an integral part of BILLA's media mix for some time now. To promote the innovative Simply Good steamed meals - easy to prepare in the microwave - the retailer is making optimum use of the optimization opportunities offered by Digital out of Home. The media focus is just as convenient as the Simply Good products are innovative and customer-oriented. In order to advertise specific Simply Good products, BILLA's own brands rely on programmatic delivery in combination with dynamic advertising media creation from Goldbach Austria.

"We are delighted that more and more companies are recognizing and using the unique opportunities offered by digital outdoor advertising. As the DOOH marketer with the widest reach, we also see it as our task to offer the most efficient solutions and latest technologies and to advise accordingly. The current Simply Good campaign impressively demonstrates how DCO (Dynamic Creative Optimization) and programmatic delivery can be applied," says Marcus Zinn, Sales Director DOOH at marketer Goldbach Austria, pleased with the successful campaign implementation.

The campaign, which runs from 22 May to 6 June, uses a variety of dynamic advertising media adapted to individual screen locations, individual times and individual advertising media. The specific planning with relevant content is precisely timed. The result: customized delivery of the advertising material adapted to the time, proximity to Billa stores and consumer situations.

"Our aim was to draw our customers' attention to the innovative steam-cooked dishes from our own Simply Good brand. In collaboration with Goldbach, screens were selected around convenience stores to programmatically advertise the Simply Good products. The screens are shown on selected days and at specific times - with distance information to the nearest BILLA store. Whether during the lunch break or in the evening: Simply Good steamed meals can be prepared quickly and easily in the microwave," explains Michaela Markowski, Group Head of Marketing & Strategy BILLA Own Brands.


Client: BILLA Own Brands / Michaela Markowski
Agency/Marketing: Goldbach Austria / Marcus Zinn
Creative agency: Merlicek & Partner
DCO Concept: AIM3 / Sebastian Gutmann