Further DOOH locations in Vienna city center
In a big city like Vienna, you can reach a wide variety of target groups in different public places with your digital out-of-home advertising. Of course, outdoor advertising is particularly interesting when it is displayed in a frequented environment. Together with our partner Infracom Interactive, we offer you reach in inner-city areas.
With screens measuring between 2m2 and 5.25m2 in premium locations throughout Vienna, you can reach over 6 million gross contacts*. Our network in Vienna's city center was recently expanded to include screens in Wipplingerstraße and Schulerstraße, in addition to the Lugeck location, which has been connected for some time.
In addition to the top locations in the 1st district, advertising campaigns can now also be played out at other highly frequented addresses, such as Linke Wienzeile, Felberstraße/Pelzgasse, Gaudenzdorfer Gürtel/corner of Steinbauergasse, Niederhofstraße or Südtiroler Platz.
Would you like to know more? Here you can find more information about our partner Infracom Interactive.
*within 2 weeks with high rotation