Imprint of Goldbach Group AG

Goldbach Group AG

Company number
Commercial Register of the Canton of Zurich

Value added tax number

Legal form
Share capital CHF 100,000.00, fully paid up
Registration June 29, 1983

The purpose of the company is to participate in domestic and foreign companies of all kinds, especially in the media sector. It may establish branches in Switzerland and abroad, acquire and sell real estate and engage in all commercial, financial and other activities which directly or indirectly promote or are connected with the purpose of the company. The Company may undertake financing, reorganization, and intercession measures in favor of shareholders, Group companies, or third parties, and may grant loans to shareholders, Group companies, or third parties or provide collateral for their obligations, even if such financing, reorganization, and intercession measures, loans, or collateral are granted free of charge.

Christoph Marty, CEO
Raoul Gerber, CCO / Stv. CEO
Mark Luck, COO
Nicole Klose, HR Business Partner
Markus A. Wirth, Chief Transformation Officer
Alexander Duphorn, CEO Goldbach Media AG
Thomas Spiegel, CEO Goldbach Digital
Tom Gibbings, CEO Goldbach Neo

PricewaterhouseCoopers AG (CHE-106.839.438), in Zurich