Connected TV

Connected TV (CTV) is a TV set that is connected to the Internet via OTT devices, Blu-ray players, streaming box or stick, and game consoles, or has integrated Internet functions (e.g., a smart TV) and can access a variety of functions as well as web-based content. CTV spots at Goldbach are moving image placements on IP-TV channels and smart apps.

Ad stitching, i.e. dynamic ad insertion and dynamic ad substitution, plays a major role in CTV.Dynamic ad insertion (DAI) inserts an ad before, during or after the content (PreRoll/MidRoll/PostRoll), which can also be a standard TV spot, for example. An ad server fills the video streams with the ads. If the PreRoll is delayed and not delivered directly at the start of the content, this is known as a Delayed PreRoll. Dynamic Ad Substitution (DAS)replaces the TV commercial in a simulcast Internet video stream. Dynamic ad substitution spots enhance the linear viewer experience by delivering more relevant and targeted TV ads.

Advantages of Connected TV

  • User/device-based real-time addressing
  • 100% TV screen share
  • Brand Safety
  • 100% Visibility
  • extensive targeting options
  • Ads are not skippable
Best Case: McDelivery
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