And how they work, the Replay Ads
Last fall, the Swiss TV industry unveiled Replay Ads. Already in the first 100 days after the launch, more than 100 original Replay Ads campaigns were aired on TV stations. Since July 1, Replay Ads have been part of the Swiss TV measurement, which means that the net reach of Replay Ads campaigns can be reported for the first time. In the following article, we will use AXA's replay ads campaign to show you how great the effective impact of replay ads can be.
From April to June 2023, the insurance company AXA ran its first Replay Ads campaign on the channels of the Goldbach Media portfolio - as part of an overall campaign on insurance solutions for company founders.
To demonstrate the effectiveness of the Replay Ads, the campaign was accompanied by a study (see box at the end of the article), the results of which we present to you here. The client was also satisfied with the campaign:
Tanja Hediger, Senior Advertising Manager AXAThe accompanying study provides us with exciting and helpful insights that we will be happy to take into account when planning future campaigns. The collaboration with Goldbach was also extremely professional, efficient and pleasant.
Most people remember TV
Of the study participants surveyed, 32% said they remembered AXA's overall campaign, regardless of the channel. Most of them remembered the advertising on TV (chart 1).
Figure 1: Advertising recall of overall campaign by medium in %.
The following graph shows that people also remembered the Replay Ads. Almost a quarter of respondents came into contact with AXA's Replay Ads campaign.
Figure 2: Advertising recall Replay Ads in %, all respondents
Replay Ads Increase Probability of New Insurance Contracts
The previous graph shows that the study participants were aware of the Replay Ads. However, the study was further intended to show how strongly the Replay Ads had an effect on brand awareness and likeability of AXA and on consideration, i.e. the consideration of AXA when taking out a new insurance policy. The results were very encouraging.
When asked which companies with the relevant insurance solutions came to mind, the name "AXA" came up significantly more often among people with contact with the Replay Ads campaign than among those without contact (chart 3). To explain the graph: in the case of aided brand awareness, awareness of AXA was queried using a list of insurance companies; in the case of unaided awareness, no list was used. "Top of mind" means that AXA was named first in the unaided awareness.
Chart 3: Brand awareness (indexed), all respondents
A similar picture emerged with regard to brand sympathy. When asked whether they found AXA likeable, people who had come into contact with the Replay Ads campaign agreed more strongly than those without contact (+17%, see chart 4).
Chart 4: Brand sympathy (indexed), all respondents
Participants were also asked which companies they would choose for themselves privately. For insurance decision-makers within companies, they were also asked which insurance companies they would consider for their company. Especially in the case of insurance for the company, more people with Replay Ads contact named AXA than people without Replay Ads contact (+41%, see chart 5).
Graph 5: Consideration (indexed)
At the end of the study, the participants were asked to give a general assessment of AXA. Here, too, the verdict was clear: people who had come into contact with AXA's replay ads campaign were much more positive about the company than the rest (chart 6).
Chart 6: Assessment (indexed), all AXA experts
Replay Ads lead to positive effects for your brand
To summarize: 32% of all respondents remembered the AXA overall campaign. Most of them remembered it through TV. Graphs 3-6 then impressively showed how effective the Replay Ads were with the recipients. This graphic at the end shows exactly how impressive.
Figure 7: Positive effects on all brand dimensions
About the study
- Method - online survey after the campaign
- Population - private persons aged 15-65 years
- Sample - German-speaking Switzerland: n=875 persons, representative sample
- Field time - 21.06.2023 - 06.07.2023
- Campaign - AXA Replay Ads Campaign 2023: April to June 2023
- Weighting - Data is weighted by socio-demographic characteristics (gender, age, employment, education), RUS Internet, WEMF and language region according to MA Strategy All-in-One 2022.