SAT.1 -  For everyone who loves television

SAT.1 captivates as a modern family channel with a diverse range of programming and top-notch entertainment. The channel not only resonates with the relevant target audience of 15 to 59-year-olds but also attracts a broad viewership that delights in high-quality television. From emotional factuals and documentaries to cooking shows, gripping series and entertainment programs, SAT.1 offers a varied lineup promising joy, comfort, and unforgettable TV moments for all generations.

General information

Group of channelsSeven.One Entertainment Group
Average age56
Core target groupPeople 15-59
Pricing target groupPeople 15-49
Proportion of HH running people69%

Core competencies

  • Gripping shows and award-winning reality
  • Top crime series and feature films
  • Useful service magazines
  • Swiss in-house productions
  • Factual shows that resonate emotionally and tug at the heartstrings
  • In-house produced German fiction


People 15-49

Source: Mediapulse TV Data (Instar Analytics), GS, people 15-49 incl. guests, SAT.1_CH, 2024, Mon-Sun 24h, TG-share-% (Rt), MS-%, Aff (Rt), all platforms, overnight +7.

FormatRt-TMS-%Aff (Rt)
The Voice Kids43.77013.798
The Voice of Germany41.56214.083
Das 1% Quiz - Wie clever ist Deutschland?35.47810.3120
Selbst ist die Braut34.5718.0114
Independence Day34.49312.1160
Das grosse Backen34.25213.198
Top Gun: Maverick33.76215.5117
The Taste33.70613.9113
Hochzeit auf den ersten Blick33.22111.0101
Dungeons & Dragons: Ehre unter Dieben33.0258.6132

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